Tweet Links – Week of August 4, 2012
This (mostly) automatically generated post contains links I included in tweets during the week leading up to August 4, 2012, listed in reverse chronological order.
From the Director | Center for Teaching | Vanderbilt University
@derekbruff: RT @vandycft: New blog post: From the Director
Register now for Fall Events! | Center for Teaching | Vanderbilt University
@derekbruff: RT @vandycft: New blog post: Register now for Fall Events!
Course Feedback (Part 2) | Math 216: Statistics for Engineering
@derekbruff: Part two of my response to students on their course evaluations of #Math216:
@derekbruff: RT @dancohen: Scripto (@ScriptoTool mixes MediaWiki (used by Wikipedia) into WordPress Drupal & Omeka for crowdsourced transcription
Test flight over Peru ruins could revolutionize archaeological mapping
@derekbruff: Mapping archaeological sites with unmanned drones, a collaboration btw Vandy anthro and CS professors: Awesome.
Children warned name of first pet should contain 8 characters and a digit | NewsBiscuit
@derekbruff: Children warned name of first pet should contain 8 characters and a digit (via Bruce Schneier)
@derekbruff: Jessica Riviere, a German grad student here, posted a word cloud of her course evals. Clever & effective.
Disposable Twitter Accounts for Classroom Use – ProfHacker – The Chronicle of Higher Education
@derekbruff: @polarisdotca @genegeek @RobinYoungUBC @raulpacheco I’d use a class hashtag. Also, this:
An undergraduate student’s guide to Twitter in higher education – Raul Pacheco-Vega, PhD
@derekbruff: Really great intro to Twitter for undergrads by @raulpacheco:
@derekbruff: I love tweets of the week. And now @VanderbiltU has some to share:
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Image: “Don’t Chain Me Down,” Wendell, Flickr (CC)