Vanderbilt CFT Teaching Guides Archive
For years, the staff and graduate fellows at the Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching, where I served as executive director, produced guides on a robust array of teaching and learning topics. These teaching guides are no longer available on the CFT website, so I’m slowly archiving them here on my website. All the teaching guides were release under a Creative Commons BY-NC license, so you’re free to reuse them as long as you provide attribution to the Vanderbilt University CFT and don’t try to make money from them.
- Active Learning by Cynthia Brame
- Bloom’s Taxonomy by Patricia Armstrong
- Creating Accessible Learning Environments by Amie Thurber and Joe Bandy
- Digital Timelines by Danielle Picard and Derek Bruff
- Keeping Stress from Evolving into Distress by Brielle Harbin
- Metacognition by Nancy Chick
- Student Evaluations of Teaching
- Teaching Adult Undergraduate Students by Stacey Margarita Johnson
- Teaching Beyond the Gender Binary by Brielle Harbin and Leah Marion Roberts
- Teaching Large Classes by Adam Wilsman
- Teaching Race: Pedagogy and Practice by Amie Thurber, Brielle Harbin, and Joe Bandy
For similar resources on a variety of teaching and learning topics, visit the the Teaching Hub, hosted by the Center for Teaching Excellence at the University of Virginia.