Tweet Links 07/22/2012

A colleague asked me if I knew of a way to automatically generate a blog post collecting all the links she tweeted in the prior week. I told her that I thought I knew of a way, and this post is evidence that my scheme worked. Here’s what I did:

I set up a “recipe” on IFTTT (If This Then That) that grabs all the links that appear in my tweets and saves them as Diigo bookmarks, each with the tag “TweetLink.” The text of the tweet is included with each bookmark for some context. Then I used Diigo’s auto blog post tool to schedule a daily post here on the blog collecting all my recent “TweetLink” bookmarks. This post shows up here as a draft, which allows me to delete particular links or add comments like this or include an image before posting. I set Diigo to post daily just so I could test out this system, but Diigo has a weekly option, too.

You may recall that I used a similar scheme to auto-post collections of tweets from students that talked about clickers. I set that up before IFTTT came along, so I had to bookmark each tweet in Diigo manually. I’m glad to have IFTTT these days. It’s an incredibly useful Web service.

What follows is the text of the post as Diigo generates it, listing the links I tweeted in the last 24 hours.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Image: “Don’t Chain Me Down,” Wendell, Flickr (CC)

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