Leading Lines Season 1
The tenth episode of our educational technology podcast, Leading Lines, was released today. It features an interview by my colleague Cliff Anderson, Associate University Librarian for Research and Learning, with my other colleague Steve Baskauf, Senior Lecturer in Biological Sciences. They discuss linked data, the semantic web, and two really interesting projects led by Steve: Bioimages, an online image database with over 10,000 annotated plant and ecosystem images, and the Vanderbilt Arboretum’s mobile-friendly tree tours. I’ve known Steve for years, and I’m continually impressed with the enthusiasm and creativity he brings to his work. I think you’ll enjoy the conversation!
With this tenth episode, we close out what I’ve been calling “Season 1” of the Leading Lines podcast. The podcast started as an idea in my head a few years ago, joined up with a similar idea from John Sloop, Associate Provost for Digital Learning, and developed quickly this summer thanks to a fantastic team here at Vanderbilt. Gayathri Narasimham and Ole Molvig at the Vanderbilt Institute for Digital Learning, Cliff Anderson at the Vanderbilt Library, and Rhett McDaniel and Stacey Johnson here at the Center for Teaching… thank you for jumping into this project, for finding and interviewing fascinating people doing interesting things in educational technology, and for making this whole experience easy and fun.
We’re going to take a short break for the holidays, but look for our first “Season 2” episode on Monday, January 16th. We’re aiming for another ten episodes in a row for Season 2 (first and third Mondays of the month), and we already have five of those interviews recorded. I’m excited to share them! We have some innovative voices in educational technology on deck for the spring.
In the meantime, if you haven’t listened to all ten of our first episodes, search for “Leading Lines” in your favorite podcast app, or find them on the Leading Lines website. It’s hard for me to pick favorites, but I highly recommend Episode 8 with Vanderbilt’s Zoe LeBlanc. Zoe is a doctoral student in history who is incredibly savvy about teaching with technology, and it was a lot of fun to interview her!