The Flipped Classroom FAQ

I have another guest blog post in the CIRTL Network’s “Effective Use of Technology” learning community, this one providing a flipped classroom FAQ. Here’s an excerpt:

Why flip one’s classroom? Some argue that of these two parts of the learning process—the transfer of information and the assimilation of that information, to use Eric Mazur’s terms—it is the second part that is more challenging for students.  Why not have them engage in that part of the process during class when everyone in the learning community (peers and instructors) are available to assist?  Students don’t need to be physically in each other’s presence for the first stage, but they really benefit from the feedback and collaboration that the learning community provides during that second stage.

The idea of a flipped classroom is receiving a surprising amount of attention here on campus and in the higher ed press. I hope this FAQ helps instructors better understand the rationale and methodology of the flipped class, and that it clears up some common misconceptions about the idea.

Image: “final exam,” dcJohn, Flickr (CC)

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