Podcast #2 – An Interview with Kelly Cline
I had hoped that my second podcast episode would follow the first one a little more closely in time, but the spring semester got away from me, particularly with the book coming out in February. However, I’ve got a great interview for you this time around.
This episode features an interview with Kelly Cline, associate professor of mathematics at Carroll College in Montana. Kelly and two of his colleagues at Carroll, Holly Zullo and Mark Parker, are principal investigators for a National Science Foundation project called Project Math Quest. Kelly and his collaborators have written and tested clicker questions for linear algebra and differential equations courses, and they’ve made their question bank–consisting of hundreds of questions–available online.
In this interview, Kelly talks about the ways that he uses clickers and classroom voting, as well as his energy and enthusiasm, to motivate his students to engage meaningfully with mathematical concepts and logical thinking in the classroom. He also talks about elements of effective clicker questions, as well as how he has modified his approach to teaching to include more active learning elements while still covering all the content he needs to in his courses.
Click the following link to download and listen to the interview:
Podcast #2 – An Interview with Kelly Cline [41:14]