Here’s the class participation grading scheme I described in class today:
- There will be 9 sets of pre-class reading questions this fall. The percentage of these that you respond to will be your PCRQ score.
- I’ll take the number of bookmarks you post to Delicious and divide by 10 to get your Delicious score. Note that I’ll cap this at 120%, so that if you bookmark 12 or more sites on Delicious, you’ll get a 120% for this score. All Delicious bookmarks are due by midnight on December 2nd.
- Same thing for the timeline: I’ll take the number of your contributions and divide by 10 to get your timeline score. This score also has a cap of 120%, and the timeline deadline is midnight on December 2nd.
Then I’ll add your three scores and divide by 200, capping the result at 100%. This will be your overall class participation grade, which contributes 15% of your grade in the course. Let me know if you have any questions about this.
Image: “Numbers…” by Flickr user Luis Argerich, Creative Commons licensed.