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February 2012

Root, Root, Root

I took the girls to a Vanderbilt women’s basketball game back in December. It was, to put it mildly, a bust. I …

For the Win

Hannah and I played Settlers of Catan tonight. We were well into our first game when it became clear to me that …

Good Enough

“Perfect is the enemy of good” goes the saying. If perfect and good are duking it out, I’ll have to side with …

Tough Day

Today was a tough day. Our 13-year-old cat, Tassel, had to be put to sleep. She had some kind of cancer, and …

Art Gallery

My girls love their arts and crafts. I figured out pretty quickly that I can’t save everything they create, but I can …

Obedience >> Self-Sufficiency

The sermon at church yesterday was the start of a series on Elijah. You may know Elijah from his showdown with the …

Good Call

A quick update on my previous post: Hannah had a big project due for school tomorrow that needed a lot of work, …

Tough Calls

I mentioned the other week that I lead something of a binary life. When the girls are with me, I’m full-on single …

The Freezer Is Your Friend

I knew there had to be something I forgot. We got out the door this morning right on time. That’s a rare …