Art Gallery

My girls love their arts and crafts. I figured out pretty quickly that I can’t save everything they create, but I can save some of their work. Later, I figured out that even saving some of their work results in a cabinet stuffed with artwork, constantly threatening to rain down on me when I open the door.

My new plan: Scan the artwork! I only have a handful of printed photos of the girls, but hundreds (thousands, probably) of digital photos of them. Why not take the same approach to their charming creations?

I got started tonight. Here are a few of Hannah’s greatest hits.

That one was drawn shortly after a visit to the Nashville Zoo, which has a lorikeet exhibit. You can buy some lorikeet food (which looks like eggnog), and the birds will come right up to you and eat. Sometimes they’ll even land on your arm. Much fun.

This last one warms my mathematician heart.

Image: “Art Gallery,” by me, Flickr (CC)

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