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Flying Free

My grandfather, Dock O’Neal, passed away on Wednesday. He died peacefully in a nursing home, with my mom by his side. He …

A Final Hamster Report

It’s been a rough few days at the Bruff house. Our beloved hamster Penny passed away late last week. Penny was with …


Yesterday morning as I pulled into her school to drop her off, Hannah told me that her stomach hurt. That doesn’t always …

Roller Coaster

Woke up on September 1st. Ran almost six miles. Helped some friends move. Had a daddy-daughter date at the bookstore. Tried to …

Missing My Dad

My dad passed away seven years ago this week. He and my mom had recently moved to Chattanooga. I was living in …

Tough Day

Today was a tough day. Our 13-year-old cat, Tassel, had to be put to sleep. She had some kind of cancer, and …