Student Tweets about Clickers (weekly)

  • “@CorbinPriddy Corbin Priddy
    Being in this class is worthless without my clicker. Whyyyy did I leave it at home?”

    tags: stac

  • “@IDreamOfLouisV Michael
    I did not like the “clicker” test…i would rather have a paper test where i can take my time and think about my answers.”

    tags: stac

  • “@MrsBella_Rozay Bianca Thompson
    my clicker is so cute =)”

    tags: stac

  • “@Crowned_Jewel teeMgee
    I hope all the questions on the test are like the clicker questions. Then I won’t have to study!”

    tags: stac

  • “@wynona_j wynona schewe
    guy next to me in accounting with 4 clickers #pledge”

    tags: stac

  • “@sidnivaughn Sidni Vaughn
    clicker survey in psych class reads: which type of drugs are you most interested in hearing about today? #wow”

    tags: stac

  • “@JessicaBricker Jessica Bricker
    @KUJ101 I’m tweeting in class… And not getting in trouble. This is much cheaper than a ‘clicker’ ! #awesome”

    tags: stac

  • “@ShelbyDuprie Shelby Gipson
    my prof asked a i-clicker question. Do we think it’s ok to have multiple wives??… uhhhh NO! what she think this is? lol”

    tags: stac

  • “@JuanCorcoran John Tyler Corcoran
    Haven’t missed a single clicker question; I’m kind of a big deal #chemistry”

    tags: stac

  • “@DuhOrio Sarah Diorio
    I would so not come to this class if we didn’t have hw or clicker questions”

    tags: stac

  • “@jewleeya Julia Mathes
    all three clicker questions correct!! All three were guesses!!!”

    tags: stac

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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