Student Tweets about Clickers (weekly)

  • “@adelantando A. Sobotka
    2nd time that the clicker in a test situation went down. It’s only my grade which gets me into grad school which is only my life.”

    tags: stac

  • “@jmanzel Julia M.
    I love my roommate. I’m skipping the lecture we have together so she’s taking my clicker for me so I won’t be marked absent :)”

    tags: stac

  • “@LOLkirra Im not Kirra
    Soo.. I had to pick up a clicker BEFORE class therefore its not registered.. Hmm.. Puttin 2 & 2 together.. Looks like I’m not goin 2 class..”

    tags: stac

  • “@Ree_Beck_Uh Rebecca Not Becky ®
    So we’re abt to take a clicker exam? All these ppl in here are abt to be cheating”

    tags: stac

  • “@Maggie_Harper Maggie Harper
    The girl 3 seats down from me literally bedazzled her clicker with rhinestones. #stillconfused”

    tags: stac

  • “@relentlesswong Jonathan Kyle Wong
    3/4 of my clicker questions right today!! I’m on a roll bitches.”

    tags: stac

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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