For your second blog assignment, read the 2011 essay “Mining Student Data Could Save Lives” by Michael Morris of California State University at Channel Islands and write a post between 200 and 400 words that responds to the following prompt.
What is the central argument Morris makes in his essay? Do you agree with it? Why or why not?
This is a chance to practice your summarizing skills and to construct a (brief) response to an author’s thesis. Feel free to draw on personal experiences in your response, if that’s relevant.
Please give your post a descriptive title, and use the “Student Posts” category for your post. Also, give your post at least three tags, where each tag is a word or very short phrase (no more than three words) that describe the post’s content. You’re encouraged to use tags already in the system if they apply to your post.
Your post is due by 9:00 a.m. on Monday, September 3rd. If you have any technical problems using WordPress, don’t hesitate to ask.
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