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Information Literacy

Teaching with Digital Timelines

Cross-posted from the Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching blog. This year the Center for Teaching hosted a few educational technology working groups …

Why Cite a Tweet?

You may have heard that the Modern Language Association (the MLA) has released guidelines on citing a tweet in an academic paper. …

Things That Worry Me

If you’re reading this on January 18, 2012, you may wonder why half the Internet seems to have gone missing. Here’s a …

Copyright, Sharing, and Ethics

For most people, sharing and remixing with attribution and no commercial intent is instinctually a-okay. The above quote is from Andy Baio’s …

Article: Bombaro (2007)

Reference: Bombaro, C. (2007). Using audience response technology to teach academic integrity: “The seven deadly sins of plagiarism” at Dickinson College. Reference …