This summer, I visited the Newseum in Washington, DC, with my kids. The Newseum is a museum focused on the five liberties of the First Amendment to the US Constitution: religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition. One of their current exhibits looks at the FBI’s role in fighting crime and terrorism. As my daughters and I were walking through the exhibit, I noticed this display:

For your fifth blog assignment, respond to this display in a post between 200 and 400 words. I’m really curious to know what you make of it, given the discussions we’ve had in the course about privacy and security.

Please (1) give your post a descriptive title, (2) assign it to the “Student Posts” category, and (3) give it at least three useful tags. Also, (4) try embedding the above photograph in your post. (Click on “Add Media” when you’re composing your post to do so.)

Your post is due by 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, September 27th.