Great Cipher used by Louis XIV was such a successful cipher because it incorporated many types of cryptography, but also “foolproofed” itself by creating almost a ciphertext keyboard. For example, certain numbers created sounds, similar to how computer code can prompt a computer to emit audio. Similarly, certain groups of numbers deleted the previous letter/cluster, like the backspace key of a computer, and how a computer is coded to understand that deleting is the function of the key. I would argue that the Great Cipher was a form of computer code before its time, with the Rossignols being the coders and Louis XIV or any recipient being the computer. Before the Great Cipher, many cryptanalysts were accustomed to assigning one letter with a singular symbol, or group of numbers, but this cipher was so successful because it prompted the reader to emit a syllable, as computer code prompts a computer to perform a very specific behavior rather than reword the code given. It is remarkable to imagine that such a complicated form of cryptography was developed so long ago, because we in some ways still utilize it today. Again, this method connects back to the argument of monarchs controlling the most developed forms of cryptography because of their resources and the content of their messages (Louis XIV could afford to house the Rossingnols). If records were kept, it would be interesting to research whether Antoine and Bonaventure were the first people to develop such a code, and how it relates to modern day technology programming.