Before I share a few Pecha Kucha resources, here’s the list of possible titles you generated for blog posts, short papers, or presentations:

  • Turning the Tide of WW2 Cryptography
  • Turing the Mathematics of Cryptonomicon
  • The Beautiful Mind of Lawrence Waterhouse
  • Ending Engima
  • Colors of the Rainbow: Japanese Ciphers of WW2
  • When You Can Go Too Far and Not Far Enough: Ordo and Keys
  • Only as Strong as the Weakest Link
  • Data Havens for Fun and Profit
  • Learning Modular Arithmetic in Three Pages or Less
  • Taking One for the Team: Detachment 2702’s Contribution to WW2
  • Lawrence Waterhouse: A Different View on Everything
  • The Psychology of Bobby Shaftoe
  • How Mathematicians Think
  • The Awesomeness of Bletchley Park
  • When Bits Become Bytes

(For the record, four of those suggestions are mine.)

Now for some Pecha Kucha resources. First, the Pecha Kucha organization, which coordinates Pecha Kucha nights all around the world, including Nashville. The organization has used their network in creative ways to aid in disaster recovery efforts, including the 2011 Japan earthquake.

Here’s the sample Pecha Kucha presentation I shared, by the University of British Columbia’s Tegan Adams:

For more examples, check out Pecha Kucha Atlanta’s website, which features lots and lots.

Finally, if you forget how to pronounce Pecha Kucha, here’s a Muppets-themed reminder.

Image: “pecha kucha night book,” Brandon Shigeta, Flickr (CC)