Olympic Games Bingo

The opening ceremonies of the 2012 London Olympics will be broadcast just a few short hours from now. (I think they’ve already started and NBC is airing them on delay. Darn time zones.) For a guy not really into sports, I’m a big fan of the Olympics. I love that the best table tennis players, rhythmic gymnasts, trampoliners, and archers in the world get together every four years to decide who’s the best of the best. (As you can tell from that list, I’m not a big fan of the more mainstream sports. I’ll watch swimming and gymnastics, but soccer? basketball? boxing? Boring. Those are on TV all the time.)

I’ll be watching the opening ceremonies tonight with my girls. In an effort to make the parade of nations a bit more engaging, I’m giving the girls Olympic Games bingo cards. Every nation has a flag bearer, and every flag bearer has a sport. When you see the sport played by a flag bearer, you mark it on your bingo card. It should be fun! But I’ve never done this before with the girls, so we’ll see…

In case you’re interested in playing along at home, here’s a PDF of the bingo card I created, using the official pictograms of the 2012 Olympics. I just made one because Lily can’t stand to lose. I’ll give the same card to both girls! Less exciting, but no risk of meltdowns. If you’d like to rearrange the pictograms to make different cards, here’s the Word document.

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