Social Bookmarking Assignment #6

For your next social bookmarking assignment, find and bookmark a well-designed infographic. Some of you bookmarked an infographic for your first social bookmarking assignment, the #dataviz one. This time, I want everyone to find a good infographic so that you’ll all have examples of infographics to inform your work on your application projects. (If you bookmarked an infographic earlier, you’ll need to find a new one for this assignment!)

Not sure what an infographic is? Here are some examples of this genre of data visualization. (The first three were all bookmarked by Math 216 students earlier in the semester. The last one was designed by a senior at Queen’s University.)

For Diigo users, tag your bookmark with “infographic.” For Pinterest users, include the term “#infographic” in your pin’s description.

Also: Those of you using Diigo need to add a picture to your Diigo profile. Any picture will do–it doesn’t actually have to be a picture of you. If you’re logged into Diigo, you can edit your picture using this link (I think). The Diigo group won’t feel so sterile once we get rid of all your default avatars there.

Deadline: To get credit for this assignment, complete it by Friday, April 6th, before class begins.

Optional: Not all infographics are good infographics. “Ending the Infographic Plague” is a recent essay by Megan McArdle, a senior editor at The Atlantic. It’s worth a read.

Image: “Interesting Pin,” Derek Bruff, Flickr (CC)

Social Bookmarking Assignment #5 – Due 3/23/12

For your next social bookmarking assignment, find and bookmark an actual data set. Your previous bookmarking assignments allowed you to link to a report or news story about some data set. This time, your job is to find an actual data set of some interest available online. You need not link directly to the data set (for instance, if it’s an Excel file) if it’s obvious from your bookmark how to get to the data set.

For Diigo users, tag your bookmark with “dataset.” For Pinterest users, include the hashtag “#dataset” in your bookmark’s description.

To get credit for this assignment, complete it by Friday, March 23rd, before class begins.

Image: “Interesting Pin,” Derek Bruff, Flickr (CC)

Social Bookmarking Assignment #4 – Due 2/24/12

For your next social bookmarking assignment, find and bookmark an example of statistics used in an engineering context. If you’re an engineering major, you’re encouraged (but not required) to find an example associated with your particular major.

For Diigo users, tag your bookmark with “engineering.” For Pinterest users, include the hashtag “#engineering” in your bookmark’s description.

To get credit for this assignment, complete it by Friday, February 24th, before class begins.

Image: “Interesting Pin,” Derek Bruff, Flickr (CC)

Social Bookmarking Assignment #3 – Due 2/3/12

For your next social bookmarking assignment, find and bookmark an example of probability in the news. Note in your bookmark whether your example uses the empirical, subjective, or axiomatic notion of probability.

For Diigo users, tag your bookmark with “probability.” For Pinterest users, include the hashtag “#probability” in your bookmark’s description.

To get credit for this assignment, complete it by Friday, February 3rd, before class begins.

Image: “Interesting Pin,” Derek Bruff, Flickr (CC)

Social Bookmarking Assignment #2 – Due 1/23/12

For your second social bookmarking assignment, look through your classmates bookmarks from the first assignment (#dataviz) and leave a comment on one of them. Your comment should address this question: What questions about the data does this visualization lead you to ask? Include the keyword “anyqs” (for “any questions?”) somewhere in your comment.

For Diigo users, look for the “Comment” link just under the bookmark in the Diigo group. For Pinterest users, click on the pin and then look for the “Add a comment” box at the bottom of the page.

To get credit for this assignment, complete it by Monday, January 23rd, before class begins.

Social Bookmarking Assignment #1 – Due 1/18/12

For your first social bookmarking assignment, find and bookmark an example of data visualization. The more complex the data, the better.

For Diigo users, tag your bookmark with “dataviz.” For Pinterest users, include the hashtag “#dataviz” in your bookmark’s description.

To get credit for this assignment, complete it by Wednesday, January 18th, before class begins.

Image: “Interesting Pin,” Derek Bruff, Flickr (CC)