11. Rocky Road a la Mode

We’re back with another family board game recommendation, a game that will make you want an ice cream cone: Rocky Road a la Mode!

Rocky Road a la Mode, a 2017 game from Green Couch Games, is a compact, colorful, and easy to learn game for 2 to 4 players that captures a bit of that ice cream truck magic. The game was designed by Joshua J. Mills, with art and graphic design by Adam P. McIver, and it plays in about 20 to 30 minutes. Players take on the role of ice cream truckers, driving around the neighborhood bringing sweet treats to kids and grown-ups. Rocky Road a la Mode has a lot of interesting mechanics—multiple paths to victory, engine building, multi-use cards—that make modern board games fun, all packed in a colorful and quick-playing, small-box game. It will teach kids board game mechanics they’ll use in bigger games down the road, all while having your family sing their ice cream truck jingles around the kitchen table.

Buy Rocky Road on Amazon.

Buy Rocky Road from Green Couch Games. (Half off as of December 2020!)

Read about Rocky Road on Board Game Geek.

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Music: “Open Road” and “Soda Pop,” https://www.purple-planet.com/. “Ice Cream Truck,” Ergo Phizmiz, https://freemusicarchive.org/.

4 years ago

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