14. Abandon All Artichokes

We’re back with another family board game recommendation, one that will have you eating your vegetables: Abandon All Artichokes!

Abandon All Artichokes is a 2020 game from Gamewright designed by Emma Larkins with illustrations by Bonnie Pang. No one likes to eat artichokes, right? That’s the premise behind this game, which has players composting artichokes in favor of more tasty veggies like carrots and peas and broccoli. Abandon All Artichokes is a “deck wrecking” game in which each player starts with a person draw deck of ten artichokes. As they play, they add other vegetables to their deck and try to get rid of their artichokes. At the end of your turn, if you draw five cards from your deck and don’t see any artichokes, you win!

Abandon All Artichokes is full of adorable anthropomorphic vegetables. It’s easy to learn, fun to play, and doesn’t overstay its welcome. And did I mention it’s adorable? Seriously, that exuberant beet? So adorable.

Buy Abandon All Artichokes on Amazon.

Read more about Abandon All Artichokes on Board Game Geek.

Learn more about designer Emma Larkins and illustrator Bonnie Pang.

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Music: “Open Road” and “Soda Pop,” https://www.purple-planet.com/.

3 years ago

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