Space Park

2. Space Park

Space Park LocationsIn this episode, I have another family board game recommendation, Space Park. The game was published in 2018 by Keymaster Games, and it was designed by Henry Audubon with art by Brian Edward Miller.

Space Park

In Space Park, players cruise around the galaxy collecting crystals and trading those crystals in for badges. Keymaster, as I’ve learned, makes really amazing looking games, and Space Park is no exception. But Space Park isn’t just a pretty game, it was a really good game, and it’s one that I’ve played a lot with my kids and my niece and nephew.

This episode features a new podcast segment, Color Commentary, and an interview with a six-year-old.

Buy Space Park on Amazon.

Read about Space Park on BGG.

Visit the First Player Token website.

Music: “Open Road,” “Sunbeam,” and “Soda Pop,”

4 years ago

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