Hollywood Budgets: A Visualization Challenge

Want to use your budding data visualization skills to try to earn a little money?  The blog Information Is Beautiful is hosting monthly visualization challenges.  This month’s challenge is called “Hollywood Budgets” and asks participants to visualize data (revenues, budgets, review scores, etc.) on every Hollywood film released in the last five years. You can submit a visualization in any one of three categories: interactive visualizations, “regular” visualizations (like the ones you can use R/RStudio to create), and “napkin” visualizations (sketches of visualizations like the ones you did in class the other day). Prizes for “regular” and “napkin” visualizations are $1000 for the winners in each category and $500 for the runners-up.

The deadline is January 30th, so act fast. See the challenge website for more information. And if you submit something, let me know!


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