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Student Learning, Page 2

Article: Mayer et al. (2009)

Reference: Mayer, R. E., Stull, A., DeLeeuw, K., Almeroth, K., Bimber, B., Chun, D., Bulger, M., Campbell, J., Knight, A., & Zhang, …

People to Know: Eric Mazur

If you follow the world of classroom response systems, you’ve likely heard of Harvard physics professor Eric Mazur.  (I’ve certainly mentioned him …

Article: Carnaghan & Webb (2007)

Here’s part three of student participation week.  I’m blogging all week about recent research on the impact of teaching with clickers on …

Article: James (2006)

It’s student participation week here on the blog.  Last week I grabbed a handful of articles on classroom response systems to read …

Clickers and the Testing Effect

Classroom response systems were mentioned in an interesting article by Michelle D. Miller in the March/April 2009 issue of Change magazine titled …

Clickers and Learning Disabilities

I was recently asked if I knew of any research on classroom response systems and learning disabilities or universal design for learning.  …

Article: Lasry (2008)

Reference: Lasry, N. (2008). Clickers or flashcards: Is there really a difference? The Physics Teacher 46(4), 242-244. Summary: Lasry reports the results …

Article: Smith et al. (2009)

An article in last Friday’s edition of the journal Science on peer instruction, a pedagogy often used with (and enhanced by) clickers, …