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Formative Assessment, Page 2

Article: Crouch & Mazur (2001)

Reference: Crouch, C. H., & Mazur, E. (2001). Peer instruction: Ten years of experience and results. American Journal of Physics, 69(9), 970-977. …

Article: Mayer et al. (2009)

Reference: Mayer, R. E., Stull, A., DeLeeuw, K., Almeroth, K., Bimber, B., Chun, D., Bulger, M., Campbell, J., Knight, A., & Zhang, …

Clickers on Capitol Hill

Last week teacher Lisa Short of Gaithersburg Middle School in Maryland shared her perspectives on educational technology with the education committee of …

Clickers in Upper-Division Physics

A couple of weeks ago, Stephanie Chasteen shared a series of blog posts on teaching with clickers in upper-division physics courses: Part …

Article: Lucas (2009)

Here’s part two of student participation week.  I’ll be blogging all week about recent research on the impact of teaching with clickers …