My friends at 25th Century Games recently sent me review copies of their fantastic new games Gartenbau and Blazon, but I had backed both games on Kickstarter so I already had them! That leaves me with one copy of each game still in shrink wrap to give away! And I love giving away board games to good homes!
We’ve reviewed both of these games on the podcast. You can listen to our “First Play” review of Gartenbau here, and our “First Play” review of Blazon here.
I’m using Rafflecopter to collect entries and pick winners for this worldwide giveaway. Use the widget below to enter up to six times to be eligible to win one of these great games! And hurry… the giveaway ends at 11:59pm Eastern on August 1st!
Posted In: Giveaways
Can’t actually apply for the giveaway. I get the error
“Facebook Login is currently unavailable for this app.”
I get this from my phone, my tablet, and my desktop.
I’m getting the same error. I’ll check with Rafflecopter. In the mean time, are you able to use the email option to enter?