Student Tweets about Clickers (weekly)

  • “@yoshitme yoshi loyola
    Yeahhhhh getting the clicker questions right for once. Wtf, i shouldve studied earlier .”

    tags: stac

  • “@dianabananna9 Diana Kamel
    my professor just caught someone using 2 clickers =X uh oh…angry professor”

    tags: stac

  • “@nequizzle Nequan Brown
    i know yall on twitter we need to tweet the answer to these i clicker questions”

    tags: stac

  • “@kavlickk Kevin Kavlick
    @grez33 I was boss at those clicker questions today #finally #imagenius”

    tags: stac

  • “@BethAngelique Bethany
    The quiz got 75 responses using the clicker but there are only 70 ppl present today out of a class of 85. Lol”

    tags: stac

  • “@JusticeGGreen Justice Green
    Sitting in soc with four clickers. Guy next to me with two and I just shared a look and nod. We’re legit.”

    tags: stac

  • “@SlymanAshlee Ashlee Dale Slyman
    @tpeezy2 what did you get for the clicker question? I think it’s d”

    tags: stac

  • “@LiveAsLove23 Kimberley Jacobs
    This guy is always late for class I would hate to be him he misses allll the clicker questions smh!”

    tags: stac

  • “@corijack cori jackson
    oh but you want us to use our clickers for attendance. #sneakylady.”

    tags: stac

  • “@zac_cleary Zac Cleary
    i forgot my clicker (the only way to take attendance for my class) today so i’m here but not here. wow story of my life”

    tags: stac

  • @mccannca Carly
    Clicker questions should have the option “I don’t give a fuck””

    tags: stac

  • “@ShelbyDuprie Shelby Gipson
    ok so at first i hated this class but now im starting to like it. no exams, & all quizzes are done on the i clicker! #FTW”

    tags: stac

  • “@LadyKrysMD LadyKrystal ObiMD
    Answering all of ur remote clicker questions correctly? Perfect! Forgetting to press the power button to turn it on the the 1st place? Fail!”

    tags: stac

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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