Student Tweets about Clickers (weekly)

  • “@emilyyfin Emily Finnan
    Clickers on a friday! #cruel”

    tags: stac

  • “@KevinGemulla Kevin Gemulla
    Watching people’s responses to clicker questions is like watching popcorn pop.”

    tags: stac

  • “@zstunna11 Zachary Tate
    Class ended hella early today and I got ALL my clicker points today #winwin”

    tags: stac

  • “@CaseyJayyy Casey James
    @hbmoehrke I’ve had a clicker for psych since the beginning of the semester and my prof still doesn’t know how to use it. I had to pay $50”

    tags: stac

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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