Teaching with Clickers Webinar with Stephanie Chasteen, September 28th
I meant to blog about this sooner, but I’ll console myself with the tweets I sent out about it earlier. Stephanie Chasteen (@sciencegeekgirl on Twitter) is facilitating a webinar on teaching with clickers Tuesday, September 28th. I’ve linked to Stephanie’s work here on the blog several times in the past on such topics as using clickers in upper-division physics, prediction questions in lecture demos, advice on writing clicker questions, and clickers sessions at the recent AAPT meeting. I imagine her webinar will be top notch! Here’s the description:
In this interactive webinar, we’ll explore tips and ideas for incorporating clickers into your particular class. Clickers offer a powerful way to increasing student engagement and improve learning. At the University of Colorado, we have transformed our classrooms by using clickers to promote peer instruction. We’ll show research results on the most effective use of clickers, and discuss common challenges. In particular, we’ll focus on the attributes of “great” clicker questions, discuss example questions, and share ideas on facilitating effective wrap-up discussions once all the votes are in.
The webinar starts at 11 a.m. Mountain time / 12 p.m. Central. Register here.