Upcoming Conference Talks: Great Lakes, Louisville
I thought I should mention here a couple of conference keynote talks I have on the horizon.
I’ll be giving the Sunday evening keynote at the Great Lakes Conference on Teaching and Learning hosted by Central Michigan University on May 23-25, 2010. The keynote will address methods for increasing student participation and engagement in the classroom, including, but not limited to clickers. I’ll also be leading a concurrent session the next morning that will indeed focus entirely on teaching with clickers. If you’re anywhere near Michigan, I encourage you to come to the conference!
A couple of weeks after that on June 4, I’ll be giving the keynote at the 2nd University of Louisville clickers conference in Louisville, Kentucky. Last year’s conference featured keynotes by Tim Stelzer and Doug Duncan, and I’m honored to follow those two gentlemen at this year’s conference. Abstracts for concurrent session presentations are now available, and I’m looking forward to talks by Vanderbilt University’s Corbette Doyle on using clickers to support problem-based learning and John Seibert on using clickers with otolaryngology (ear-nose-throat) residents. Also on the schedule is a talk by Angel Hoekstra of the University of Colorado at Boulder, whom I profiled in my recent Ada Lovelace Day post.
If you’re interested in teaching with clickers (or research on teaching with clickers), I hope you can make the Louisville conference!
Image: “Waterfront park” by Flickr user flickrized / Creative Commons licensed