iPhone Summit
There’s another conference coming up that may be of interest to readers of this blog. The ConnectEd Summit will be hosted at Abilene Christian University on February 26 and 27 and will focus on “integrating iPhones and iPod touches in coordinated mobile-learning programs.” Two of the conference tracks feature discussions of iPhone use in and out of the classroom. I’m helping to facilitate the in-the-classroom track called “Teaching: Pegagogy and Praxis,” along with Harvard physics professor Eric Mazur and ACU English professor Bill Rankin, among others. (Mazur is also a keynote speaker at the conference.) Other tracks focus on technical and logistical issues.
I’m really looking forward to this conference. I see a lot of potential in using iPhones and other, similar mobile devices as part of future classroom response systems. Applications are already being developed at ACU and elsewhere. These devices can make asking free-response questions much easier than with existing clicker devices, which opens the door to all kinds of interesting classroom uses. Check out my past posts in the category “High-Tech Options” for some ideas.
Early-bird registration for the conference ends January 31st.