See You at EDUCAUSE!
I’m heading to the EDUCAUSE 2008 Annual Conference in Orlando next week. There are a couple of classroom response system talks I’m looking forward to attending. George Saltsman, William Rankin, and Kyle Dickson of Abilene Christian University will be talking about their university’s iPhone initiative. I blogged about the ACU mobile learning initiative back in August, and I’m eager to hear an update.
There’s also a session titled “Growing and Sustaining Student Response Systems at Large Campuses: Three Stories” that I’m looking forward to. Representatives from the Universities of Pittsburgh, Maryland, and Delaware will be sharing their experiences supporting clickers on their campuses.
I’ve been planning to add some podcasts to this blog featuring interviews with faculty and staff involved in teaching with clickers. If I can borrow the necessary equipment, I might try to conduct a couple of interviews in Orlando. If not, I’m hoping to meet a few people I can interview over Skype after the conference.
This will be my first EDUCAUSE Annual Conference, so feel free to share any tips you have for getting the most out of it. And if you’re interested in clickers and will be at the conference, let me know. I would be glad to meet up with you while I’m there!