Clickers and “A Vision of Students Today”
You may have seen “A Vision of Students Today,” a YouTube video produced by Kansas State University cultural anthropologist Michael Wesch and his students. It provides a provocative portrait of undergraduate students and the perspectives on learning they bring to their coursework. Yesterday, Michael Wesch contributed a post to the Encyclopedia Brittanica’s “Brave New Classroom 2.0” blog series in which he argued that students find the traditional academic lecture disengaging, in part because they are surrounded by “ubiquitous digital knowledge” easily accessible during class from their laptops and cell phones.
I would argue that classroom response systems, when used to facilitate peer instruction and other student-to-student and student-to-teacher interactions, are useful tools for engaging students and moving classrooms from places where information is transmitting to places where knowledge is constructed. You can read more of my thoughts on this topic in my comment on Wesch’s post.